Awakening With Seda
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  using astrology to live with authenticity

what you’ll learn

Over the course of this series, you will be guided through a carefully curated psychological overview of the strengths, weaknesses, shadows and evolutionary goals of each of the twelve astrological archetypes as well as an overview of the four elements of water, earth, fire and air as they express through our human personality. Each sign is followed by a guided integration meditation, designed to bypass the rational, egoic mind and work directly with the subconscious. These teachings will culminate in a final meditation which integrates the four elements through somatic experiencing. I invite you to join me in the liminal space between worlds, where the conscious and unconscious, the self and other, and the human and cosmic meet.


course structure

30 audio sessions, ranging from 12 to 16 minutes in length, combining an overview of the twelve signs and four elements with guided meditations to integrate their core lessons


 course overview

session 1: reframing astrology as a healing modality 

Astrology is a powerful tool for greater self-awareness, but knowledge without application does not get us very far. To truly transform and integrate our inner archetypes, we need to meet them where they live: in the subconscious. Today we answer a fundamental question: What can we expect when we combine an understanding of astrological archetypes with subpersonality work?   



session 2: the element of water

The water trinity symbolizes how a soul (Scorpio) chooses a human vehicle (Cancer) in order to evolve back to Source (Pisces). The element of water provides the qualities of compassion, caring, intuition, sensitivity, emotional intensity, and the desire to serve others. Today’s session will provide an overview of the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits and evolutionary goals of the water signs. 

session 3: meeting cancer, the crab

The Cancer archetype represents our egoic self-identity and the emotional body as the vehicle for our human evolution. It symbolizes how a soul nurtures itself and other beings, as well as the fears which prevent it from leaving the safety of its home and facing difficult emotions. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this cardinal, water, and yin sign.

session 4: integrating the cancer archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Cancer archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Cancer is meeting its needs to give and receive nurturing, to have a sense of roots, home, and family and to acquire financial and emotional security. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of objectivity, independence, respecting its alternating cycles and giving birth to its private visions. 

session 5: meeting scorpio, the scorpion

The Scorpio archetype represents our free will and ability to choose whether or not to evolve beyond our attachments and ingrained habits. It symbolizes both our willingness to surrender to the evolutionary impulse and our tremendous resistance to doing so. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this fixed, water and yin sign.  

session 6: integrating the scorpio archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Scorpio archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Scorpio is meeting its needs for self-mastery, self-transformation and regeneration, psychically merged intimacy, and psychological and metaphysical understanding. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of forgiveness, letting go, sharing and the correct use of power.

session 7: meeting pisces, the fish

The Pisces archetype represents our deepest longing to transcend our relative existence and merge with Source. As such, it also represents the veil of collective delusion or Maya which prevents us from doing so. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects  and evolutionary goals of this mutable, water and yin sign. 

session 8: integrating the pisces archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Pisces archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Pisces is meeting its need for a spiritual connection and transcendence, ideal love and beauty, emotional closeness, and service to others. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of responsibility, perseverance, independence and self-assertion.




session 9: the element of earth

The earth trinity correlates to the physical structures within which our evolution takes place. In order to achieve its worldly goals (Capricorn), a soul has to develop its self-worth and resources (Taurus) and maintain and improve its physical body and life structures (Virgo). The gifts of the earth element are: reliability, responsibility, persistence, patience, efficiency, and attention to detail. In short, this element is essential for accomplishing our worldly goals and consciously manifesting our life purpose. Today’s session will provide an overview of the strengths, weaknesses and core psychological traits and evolutionary goals of the earth signs.

session 10: meeting taurus, the bull

The Taurus archetype represents how our evolution occurs through creating a sense of inner worth and self-sufficiency as the basis for establishing external stability, resource accumulation and sensual appreciation. It also symbolizes the potential for hoarding, energetic stagnation and sensual overindulgence. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this fixed, earth and yin sign.

session 11: integrating the taurus archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Taurus archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Taurus is meeting its need for sensual pleasure and comfort, for beauty, for security, money and material possessions, and to be productive. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of detachment, flexibility, valuing what is not visible and self-sufficiency.

session 12: meeting virgo, the maiden

The Virgo archetype represents where we can actively improve our everyday existence through efficiency, accuracy and discernment. It also symbolizes where we can feel overburdened with our duties and become prone to psychosomatic illness. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this mutable, earth and yin sign. 

session 13: integrating the virgo archetype 

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Virgo archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Virgo is meeting its need to be skillful and useful, to serve and heal others, to analyze, discriminate and organize and to be efficient. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of lightheartedness, tolerance of imperfections in itself and others, synthesizing separate parts into a whole and letting go of control. 

session 14: meeting capricorn, the goat

The Capricorn archetype represents our need to cooperate with physical, social and temporal limitations while remaining authentic, moral and connecting with our inner authority. It also symbolizes where we are prone to repressing our emotional needs and living solely out of obligation and stifling conditioning. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this cardinal, earth, yin sign.  

session 15: integrating the capricorn archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Capricorn archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Capricorn is meeting its need for security, power and conscious manifestation, for leadership and responsibility and for achievement and recognition. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of sociability, kindness, emotional vulnerability, and playfulness.




session 16: the element of fire

The fire trinity symbolizes the initiating energy and self-development drives of our soul. A soul generates many desires along its journey of self-discovery (Aries), finds self-actualization through creativity (Leo) and shares its intuitive wisdom with others through self-expression (Sagittarius). The gifts of the fire element are inspiration and energy. Those with a strong fire signature are energetic, motivated and able to inspire others, creative, outgoing, strong, and independent. Today’s session will provide an overview of the strengths, weaknesses and core psychological traits and evolutionary goals of the fire signs. 

session 17: meeting aries, the ram

The Aries archetype represents our drive to make strong, conscious choices and take instinctive action to realize our desires. It also represents where we can be reckless, irresponsible, violent, and overly confrontational. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this cardinal, fire and yang sign. 

session 18: integrating the aries archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Aries archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Aries is meeting its need for freedom and independence, initiative and self-assertion, to champion a cause and protect the weak, and for pioneering and discovery. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of patience, cooperation, conservation of energy and completion of tasks. 

session 19: meeting leo, the lion

The Leo archetype symbolizes our drive to celebrate ourselves as a unique aspect of creation and creatively express our inner beauty and wholeness. It also represents our tendency to hold ourselves as superior because of our talents and to seek external validation at the cost of being true to ourselves.  In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this fixed, fire and yang sign.

session 20: integrating the leo archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Leo archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Leo is meeting its need for independence, ego expansion, recognition and admiration, authority and leadership, and self-expression and creativity. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of humility, cooperation, adaptability and tolerance of the mundane. 

session 21: meeting sagittarius, the centaur

The Sagittarius archetype indicates our ability to seek and intuit the deeper meaning of life and natural law through our own direct experience. It reflects our drive to create cosmologies which reflect this understanding and to disseminate our wisdom to others. It also represents where we can become narrow, dogmatic and out of touch with the practical relevance of our discoveries. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this mutable, fire and yang sign. 

session 22: integrating the sagittarius archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Sagittarius archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Sagittarius is meeting its need for independence and freedom, growth, improvement and goals, philosophical meaning and a system of belief, and travel and exploration. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of tolerance, moderation, responsibility and sensitivity and tact.




session 23: the element of air

The air trinity correlates to the interconnectedness of all phenomena.  As a soul gathers more and more facts about reality (Gemini), it is drawn to sharing them with others in mutually beneficial ways (Libra) and to form community to realize its collective ideals (Aquarius).  The element of air offers the gift of intellectual accomplishment and objectivity through comparison and relationship with others. It lends us incisive intellect, verbal proficiency, social facility, and a lively wit as well as the capacity to engage with diverse ideas and people to further our understanding of reality. Today’s session will provide an overview of the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits and evolutionary goals of the air signs.

session 24: meeting gemini, the twins

The Gemini archetype represents our drive to learn, use our logical mind and express our knowledge in versatile and accessible ways. It also represents our tendency to lose our focus, become mentally scattered and remain on the surface of experience. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this mutable, air and yang sign.  

session 25: integrating the gemini archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Gemini archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Gemini is meeting its need to teach, write and communicate, to move about and make contact with people and the environment and to know, learn and gather facts. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of discrimination, mental focus, integrating its dual nature and accepting the limitations of the mind.

session 26: meeting libra, the scales 

The Libra archetype represents where we have the potential to awaken to our true selves through harmonious and balanced partnership. It also represents where we are prone to codependency, people pleasing and indecisiveness. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of the Libra archetype. 

session 27: integrating the libra archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Libra archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Libra is meeting its need for partnership, beauty, justice and peace and harmony. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of decisiveness, independence, self-assertion and unconditional acceptance of itself.

session 28: meeting aquarius, the water bearer 

The Aquarius archetype symbolizes our drive for liberation from limiting conditioning and the freedom to speak our truth and express our innovate ideas regardless of external repercussions. It also represents our challenges in making inroads in society for our radical ideas and our tendency to devalue our personal, intimate relationships in favour of developing our objectivity and humanitarian values. In this session, we will discover the strengths, weaknesses, core psychological traits, shadow aspects and evolutionary goals of this fixed, air and yang sign.

session 29: integrating the aquarius archetype

In today’s meditation, we will be connecting with our inner Aquarius archetype to integrate its needs and lessons. You will be guided to explore how your inner Aquarius is meeting its need for community, freedom, equality and reform. You will also explore how it is learning its core lessons of relating intimately, becoming emotionally involved, being more flexible in the application of its ideals and learning to fit in when necessary.  




session 30: integrating the four elements 

Our evolution requires a vast array of experiences and lessons, which are encompassed by the twelve signs and four elements. Water connects us with our intuition and emotions, earth maintains and preserves the status quo, fire strengthens our vision and capabilities, and air expands our mental abilities and social skills. Our bodies are also comprised of the four elements, but there is a fifth element - ether, space, or Spirit - which forms the foundation of our being. In our final meditation, we will be somatically integrating the four elements and connecting with the fifth element - the light of our own soul - to call all the parts of ourselves back home. 



very professional insight into astrology. it’s a beautiful class for people who are just starting to engage with astrology but also a beautiful reminder for those who are more familiar. i really enjoyed it, the class helps to understand your own inner aspects but also from others.
— lilly
so much wonderful information and broken down in a way that allowed me to absorb it in small chunks. this course is helping to remind me that we all have strengths and struggles. and also that we all need those strengths and struggles to help work towards our best self. i’m learning to be more patient and understanding of myself and others as well as embracing all the elements inside myself.
— Brooke
i was wonderfully surprised at how much this lesson taught me along with the wonderful integrating meditations
— christi
what a phenomenal depth of knowledge you have presented so clearly and comprehensively. i found the course touched me on many levels and opened up unknown truths. a fascinating and deep journey way beyond what i had expected. deep gratitiude
— jane