Awakening With Seda
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 Finding Your North Star With The Lunar Nodes

what you’ll learn

Like the guiding light of the North Star, the lunar nodes serve as a spiritual compass, pointing us in the direction of our deepest fulfillment. They are where our evolutionary lessons and soul purpose converge. This course offers an overview of the gifts, security patterns and mental and emotional imprints of each of the twelve lunar node signs. It illuminates the universal nature of our conditioning, points out the ways to evolve beyond our limiting patterns and provides us with a glimpse of our soul’s evolutionary journey. The accompanying guided meditations for each sign utilize Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help us practically embody our learning in order to engender greater agency, freedom, and joy.


course structure

26 audio sessions, ranging from 10 to 20 minutes in length, combining an overview of the gifts, security patterns and mental and emotional imprints of each of the twelve lunar node signs with guided meditations utilizing Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods.


course overview

Session 1: Walking an Illuminated Path

This introductory session will provide you with an astronomical definition of the lunar nodes as well as their astrological, psychological and spiritual significance. You will also be provided with a summary of the Hakomi modality and Sedona method which are utilized in the accompanying healing meditations and an explanation of how best to benefit from the theoretical and practical aspects of the course.

Session 2: Discovering the North Node in Aries

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Aries. This placement of the North Node indicates the importance of initiative and independent action to the life task. Those with this placement must develop their independence, initiative, individualism, and leadership skills to fulfill their life task. The life task often requires courage and individual initiative and might involve pioneering or discovery. Developing themselves and creating a strong identity are important to balance dependency in former lifetimes. They need to learn to follow their impulses and drives, and be the master of their own destiny. They also need the freedom to pursue their natural inclinations. If initiative and self-development are not undertaken and dependence on others persists, they will find themselves in situations demanding greater independence and initiative.

Session 3: Integrating the North Node in Aries

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Aries. These can be broadly categorized as embracing initiative, assertiveness, independence, leadership, individuality, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, self-direction and courage.

Session 4: Discovering the North Node in Taurus

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Taurus. Those with this placement need to develop a sense of identity and self-worth. Becoming aware of what they value and want, and creating or building something that reflects that is important for them. These individuals need to build something that is of tangible value and earn their own way with their talents. Financial self-sufficiency is important. This placement indicates the need to develop or refine a talent. The life task may involve developing or using a specific skill or talent. The talent may or may not be an artistic one depending on the rest of the chart. With this placement, the focus is on self-development, self-sufficiency, and self-reliance, as it is with the North Node in the first house or in Aries, and either enhancing the individual's resources or using resources already developed to produce something of merit.

Session 5: Integrating the North Node in Taurus

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Taurus. These can be broadly categorized as embracing stalwart effort, patience, loyalty, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, resourcefulness, practicality, financial and business acumen and artistic ability.

Session 6: Discovering the North Node in Gemini

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Gemini. Those with this placement are learning to analyze and think logically. Open-mindedness and attention to facts are important to balance intolerance and blind faith in former lifetimes. They also need to get out of their “ivory tower” and learn to live in society. In this lifetime, they are learning to listen to others and to communicate the wisdom that they gained in their many lifetimes as seekers and philosophers. Their challenge is putting their understanding into concrete terms that others can understand. The life task is likely to involve either the accumulation of knowledge or the dispensing of it by teaching, writing, or speaking. 

Session 7: Integrating the North Node in Gemini 

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Gemini. These can be broadly categorized as embracing intelligence, communication and writing ability, logical analysis and a love of learning.

Session 8: Discovering the North Node in Cancer

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Cancer.Those with this placement are exploring and developing the personal side of life: home, family, feelings, and caring for others. Home and family may have been neglected in former lifetimes in deference to work or to achieving their goals. This placement attempts to balance this by focusing attention on the personal sphere. This lifetime is one of caring for others and being cared for. They are learning to nurture, nourish, and support others and to be more aware of feelings— both theirs and other people’s. They need to learn to be vulnerable and show how they feel and not try to control situations, which is what they are used to doing. If the personal sphere continues to be neglected, these individuals are likely to find themselves struggling with their work until they come to terms with this imbalance. 

Session 9: Integrating the North Node in Cancer

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Cancer. These can be broadly categorized as embracing sensitivity, compassion, empathy, intuition, kindness and the ability to nurture.

Session 10: Discovering the North Node in Leo

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Leo. Those with this placement have supported humanitarian efforts or the dreams and ideals of others in former lifetimes. In this lifetime, they need to pursue their own dreams. Even though the pull may be toward following others and not taking initiative, this is a lifetime in which independent action, self-development, and creative exploration are important. Although these activities may seem frivolous and selfish to them, they are what is called for. Their task is to apply the idealism and vision that they developed in former lifetimes to pursuing their own goals, developing their talents, and leading others. If they are able to do this, they can produce creative products that have value to the collective, which is often what the life task is about. This is a lifetime for standing out from the crowd and being recognized for their individuality and talents. 

Session 11: Integrating the North Node in Leo

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Leo. These can be broadly categorized as embracing leadership, willpower, self-confidence, playfulness, creativity, self-expression, individuality and managerial skills.

Session 12: Discovering the North Node in Virgo

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Virgo. Those with this placement spent many lifetimes secluded from the world in monasteries, prisons, or asylums; lost in visions, drugs, meditation, dreams, or creativity; or dependent and helpless. From these experiences, they developed their compassion, imagination, and psychic sensitivity. Now, they need to develop practical skills and the ability to handle day-to-day obligations. They need to learn to be in the world and to embrace routines and mundane responsibilities. Their challenge is to find a way to apply their compassion and sensitivity practically in the world to serve others. The North Node's placement here indicates a life task involving service. Because the sixth house and Virgo also rule health and diet, another possibility is work in the healing professions, particularly those related to physical healing. It also could refer to a life task that requires analysis, attention to detail, organization, or craftsmanship.

Session 13: Integrating the North Node in Virgo

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Virgo. These can be broadly categorized as embracingdevotion to service, discrimination, practicality, attention to detail, efficiency, organization and analysis.

Session 14: Discovering the North Node in Libra

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Libra. Those with this placement need to use the confidence, courage, self-assertion, and leadership skills that they developed in former lifetimes to encourage, support, and empower others and to create harmony and peace among people. The life task might involve counseling, consulting, diplomacy, mediation, beauty, or the arts. They might help others fight their battles or work for peace or create more beauty in the world rather than fighting for themselves, as they did in their many lifetimes as a warrior. Rather than focusing on themselves and their own needs, this is a lifetime of being helpful to others. They need to become aware of the needs of others and learn to cooperate and share. In other lifetimes, they explored their own power and gave themselves the gift of self-development; now, they are learning the power of giving to others. They are learning to be more selfless. They are here to empower others rather than themselves and in so doing magnetize to them the love and attention they long for. 

Session 15: Integrating the North Node in Libra

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Libra. These can be broadly categorized as embracing selflessness, fairness, sharing, cooperation, mediation, diplomacy, skill in relating one-on-one, awareness of other people’s needs, and an appreciation of beauty and the arts.

Session 16: Discovering the North Node in Scorpio

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Scorpio. In previous lifetimes, those with this placement were farmers, landowners, bankers, and builders, who contributed in practical and tangible ways to society. In the past, wealth, pleasure, and comfort were their goals. They need to develop self-discipline now, which will balance their tendency toward self-indulgence and excessive pleasure-seeking. In this lifetime, they will be discouraged from focusing on material acquisition or self-development in deference to sharing their material resources and applying their energies to understanding and enriching their partnerships. They are learning to share and merge their resources with others. This time, they need to build something in conjunction with a partner, not alone. Their ability to sustain themselves will be used in this lifetime to sustain others and to provide themselves with the freedom to seek greater understanding and self-awareness. One of their challenges is letting go. They are here to learn to do that and to embrace change and its potential for self-transformation. Their resistance to change is one of the greatest stumbling blocks to their life task. Their stubbornness, attachment to doing things their own way, and their resistance to getting help from others also need to be overcome. They have a natural attunement to the physical world but now they need to attune themselves to the more subtle aspects of life—to the emotional, spiritual, and psychological. 

Session 17: Integrating the North Node in Scorpio 

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Scorpio. These can be broadly categorized as embracing their capacity for self-transformation, financial acumen, the ability to be intimate and share resources, self-discipline, psychological insight, inner strength, passion, intensity of purpose, strong will, and the ability to deal with crises.

Session 18: Discovering the North Node in Sagittarius

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Sagittarius.Those with this placement need to learn to go beyond logic and trust their intuition. Their tendency from past lives is to seek answers from books and other people. In this lifetime, however, they need to learn to go within for answers. They are learning to trust themselves, find their own truth, and speak it. They are learning to communicate higher truths, not facts. This is a lifetime devoted to spiritual questing. Their life task may relate to bringing the truth they uncover to others through the ministry, the law, teaching, writing, speaking, publishing, psychic readings, or channeling. Many with this placement feel a sense of mission. They are here to provide inspiration, hope, faith, and a spiritual perspective. They see the big picture and are driven to share it with others. Spending time in nature refreshes them, where they are able to quiet their minds and contact their higher guidance. Foreign travel is another means by which they broaden themselves, expand their consciousness, and develop their understanding of life.

Session 19: Integrating the North Node in Sagittarius

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Sagittarius. These can be broadly categorized as embracing understanding, faith, wisdom, intuition and future vision.

Session 20: Discovering the North Node in Capricorn

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Capricorn. This placement indicates the need to be involved in the world and in a career. Those with this placement need to learn to set goals and achieve them. They are learning to take responsibility for their lives rather than depend on others for their care and identity, as they did in former lifetimes. The focus now is on self-sufficiency and self-development through a career. The life task will develop their ability to manage and lead, and use the sensitivity and attunement to others they developed in previous lifetimes. In this lifetime, they must be the one who takes charge. In the past, their tendency was to manipulate people with their emotions. Now, they are learning to control and manage situations instead of people and to balance their emotions with rational thought. 

Session 21: Integrating the North Node in Capricorn

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Capricorn. These can be broadly categorized as embracing self-discipline, ambition, hard work, responsibility, reliability, self-sufficiency, practicality, initiative and leadership.

Session 22: Discovering the North Node in Aquarius

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Aquarius.Those with this placement need to place humanitarian concerns over their own personal desires and drives. They have creative talents, leadership skills, a strong will, passion, and determination from previous lifetimes, which they need to use in this one to further a cause or the collective good. Their own personal will needs to be made subordinate to the group or put to use by the group for the good of all. They are learning to cooperate with others to manifest their own dreams or the ideals of a group. The life task is likely to be involved with a cause, a group endeavor, new ideas, science, technology, astrology, or computers. It is likely to use and further develop their rational mind and objectivity. The gifts they have to offer the world are their idealism, dreams, originality, inventions, new ideas, future vision, and fresh perspective.

Session 23: Integrating the North Node in Aquarius

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Aquarius. These can be broadly categorized as embracing innovation, inventiveness, originality, altruism, humanitarianism, tolerance, cooperation and objectivity.

Session 24: Discovering the North Node in Pisces

This session provides an overview of the gifts and challenges of the North Node in Pisces. Those with this placement are developing their spiritual awareness and understanding. They are pursuing spiritual truth, which usually requires solitude. Their search may result in their becoming spiritual healers or teachers, psychotherapists, psychics, artists, musicians, monks, or nuns. Their life task might involve working with the unconscious, dreams, meditation, or altered states of consciousness. Another possibility is working with the mentally ill or in a hospital or institution, or serving humanity some other way. They are here to bring the spiritual dimension into everyday life. Their gifts are imagination, creativity, insight, intuition, inspiration, and spiritual understanding. They are learning to see the larger picture and to trust that a higher purpose is at work in life. This will balance their past-life tendency to worry and get lost in details. They also are learning to get answers through their intuition rather than through rational analysis, as they did in former lifetimes. 

Session 25: Integrating the North Node in Pisces

This session utilizes a combination of Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods to help integrate the gifts and lessons of the North Node in Pisces. These can be broadly categorized as embracing devotion to service, intuition, imagination, creativity, compassion, idealism, spiritual awareness and understanding

Session 26: Integrating the Six Nodal Axes 

This concluding session provides a concrete and in-depth exploration of how the lessons of my own South Node Sagittarius-North Node Gemini axis has manifested in my life. 

Our final meditation offers an opportunity to integrate the lessons and gifts of each of the six nodal axes: Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius and Virgo-Pisces. By utilizing Hakomi contact statements and Sedona release methods, we will reconcile the inherent dualities symbolized by these axes (self vs other, containment vs merging, logic vs intuition, home vs career, individual vs collective, form vs essence) to help transcend their seeming polarities and find a healthy balance of each expression in our lives. 



Finding out my North Node was a complete game changer for me. Also listening to the other signs helped me detach myself from some aspects in my life. Thank you for taking the time to create this course. I highly recommend to write down the affirmations of the north node! I use them daily now in my meditations.
— Monika
Thank you for taking me on this 26 day journey through the North nodes. I have Virgo as my North Node and Pisces as my South. Scorpio is my sun sign. I was diagnosed with bi-polar in 2005. I self-medicated for many years and can relate to what you said about patterns of addiction attributed to Virgo nodes. I was not aware about the North nodes. Once again I want to say thank you for sharing your wisdom. It is all about love! Have a wonderful day!
— Daniel